The Ultimate Gaming Room

It doesn't matter how old you are, you've probably enjoyed playing video games at one point in your life. Movie lovers have their own home theatre, bookworms have a home library and gardening enthusiasts have their flower gardens. What kind of room does a gamer need?

Designing your own gaming room will add a certain level of playfulness as well as seriousness in your room to get your head in the game! Having the right place to play your games is essential for your enjoyment and comfort. FIFA 19 just recently came out. You're probably itching to get into it as soon as you can. But there's one thing missing: an environment. You could easily play on a sofa in your living room, but your back will probably punish you for it or you'd get kicked out by a family member.  Your room is a great place to start, but it needs a little boost.

Here are a few tips on how you could create your very own gaming room.


gaming room set up


The lighting in a gaming room is crucial. Setting the correct mood for your gaming room is definitely determined by the lighting choices you make. From LED ceiling lights, to blue accent lighting behind the screens and speakers, you'll be able to create a lounge-like ambience in your room. You can even add lighting under your gaming chairs or side tables. The reason why it's so popular amongst gamers is because it can turn your room from a casual setting to a stimulating one.


gaming speaker

Aside from your eyes, your ears also deserve the best. If you want to enhance your sensory experience, invest in some decent speakers with stellar surround sound that delivers remarkable audio. Just like the lighting - the sounds also make it the ultimate gaming room. Imagine being able to hear the oncoming footsteps of a rival player in a heated game of Call of Duty and Halo or hearing explosions from a distance when running away from the SWAT team on GTA. Create that kind of experience in your room!



[source: Instagram: spawnpoiint]

A bean bag is a must in a gaming room. When you're sitting in one position for hours, you might end up with back aches and discomfort. Get rid of that desk chair and treat yourself with a comfortable bean bag. You can use it for other activities such as watching movies, browsing the net on your laptop and more. Consider it a spot for quick naps when your bed seems a little too far. Other pieces that are easy to move around the room, such as foot stools or ottomans are great too!


gaming tv

You can't have a gaming room without a decent-sized TV! Purchasing a TV is definitely not cheap, but a good investment in a large screen makes the gaming experience that much better. With TV technology improving year by year, you'll get higher resolution, better contrast and a lot more cool features. A lot of people are now opting to get a smart TV where you can watch Netflix and YouTube too. With your favourite bean bag and some snacks, your gaming room will also become a chill room. 


loft 25 gaming bean bag close up headset strap

Aside from all the cool design aspect, think about practicality too. The last thing you need is a bundle of wires tangled together. That's where our headset strap comes in. This cool feature allows you to wrap up your headphones and let it hang on the side of the bean bag when you're not using it. The solution to avoiding the hassle of untangling wires and picking things up from the floor.


You can't be playing video games in a room that gets too much external light. If that rocks your boat, fair enough. But when you're getting direct sunlight through windows, it could saturate the screen which makes it hard to enjoy the game. There's a solution to this: get some blackout blinds. It's affordable, sleek and gives you the ability to adjust the window with ease to get your desired level of light. Since you've probably got some LED lights in your room, this is the only way you'll be able to make those colours stand out!

When it comes to designing your gaming room, don’t be afraid to take a completely different route. There are lots of game room designs for inspiration online, but designing your own room - one that precisely fits your unique style and interests - is way more epic.

Feel free to tag us in your Instagram posts. We'd love to share your set ups!

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